Athletic Directors and Secretaries
If you're looking for a reputable photography company, that will provide the service items and flexible scheduling that your coaches demand, you have found the right company.
Designer Studio not only provides all of the display prints you'll require, we also are flexible with photo dates, are are very flexible when it comes to multiple photo dates per season. We know that schedules are sometimes fluid, especially with outdoor sports, so we're happy to work with you to accommodate any last minute changes.
Designer Studio takes photo day execution very seriously. We know that teams are on a tight schedule, and that field and parking space is sometimes limited.
Our Staff are always wearing our signature Bright Red "PHOTO STAFF" vests, and can be found at our check-in or photo tent.
We setup tents for each photographer, and a tent for our check-in/stager.
Designer Studio uses industrial portable risers, for large group photos. Perfect for your football, cross country, track, or band photos.
Designer Studio is committed to providing the best possible pricing, mixed with an industry high donation, per player purchasing. This revenue share is built into our standard pricing, and not added on to our advertised pricing.
On Site Execution
Large Team Photos